Nick Rusher

Nationality: USA Height: 194cm Age: 25
College Oriel College
University Oxford
Status Postgraduate
Role Rower


What course are you studying and what level?

MSc by Research in Paediatrics

Why did you choose that course?

My lab is exploring the possibilities of RNA editing to treat neurodegenerative disorders. It’s a really exciting field to be part of.

When, where and why did you start rowing? And what do you love about the sport?

Rowing has always been part of my life. My parents met on the national team, and my older sisters also rowed. I love how challenging rowing is, both mentally and physically.

What was your first rowing club and coach?

St. Paul’s School (USA), Colin Campbell.

What or who was the earliest sporting inspiration you remember as a child?

Michael Phelps racing in the Beijing Olympics.

How has rowing and being part of the Boat Race squad impacted your life?

It has allowed me to row with elite international athletes. I love the passion and history rowing has in the UK.

If you weren’t a rower, what sport do you think you’d excel at?


What is your favourite non-academic book?

The Power of One