Milly Troup

Nationality: GBR Height: 181cm
College St Peter's College
University Oxford
Status Undergraduate
Role Rower

About Milly:

What course are you studying and what level?

BA Modern Languages (French and Portuguese)

Why did you chose that course?

I’ve always loved reading and literature, so my degree allows me to study that but in different bonus languages

When, where and why did you start rowing? And what do you love about the sport?

I grew up in Henley on Thames, so was completely surrounded by rowing – this plus strong family ties to the sport made picking it up almost inevitable for me. My stepdad first took me out in a double and taught me to scull as a kid, and once I got to Oxford I was fully reeled in.

With rowing as a sport, I like how directly your progression as an athlete reflects your level of effort – ultimately you get out what you put in.

What was your first rowing club and coach?

Richard Staite, Upper Thames Rowing Club

What or who was the earliest sporting inspiration you remember as a child?

Katherine Grainger

How has rowing and being part of the Boat Race squad impacted your life?

You see your teammates at training twice a day every day, so the friendships you form are really hard to match, and being part of such a motivated group makes you realise that everyone is capable of more than they think

If you weren’t a rower, what sport do you think you’d excel at?

Maybe Ironman triathlon or long-distance swimming

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