Gabriel Reynolds

Nationality: GBR Height: 185cm
College Worcester College
University Oxford
Status Undergraduate
Role Rower


Boat Race History

  • 2024 Oxford Men’s Reserve Boat

About Gabriel:

What course are you studying and what level?

BSc Maths and Computer Science

Why did you chose that course?

Enjoyed it at school, didn’t want to drop either

When, where and why did you start rowing? And what do you love about the sport?

When I was 11 in Oxford, parents put me on a course.

What was your first rowing club and coach?

Hinksey Sculling School, Axel Dickinson

What or who was the earliest sporting inspiration you remember as a child?

Usain Bolt 2008 Olympics

How has rowing and being part of the Boat Race squad impacted your life?

Hugely positive socially, bit of a drag on the academics

If you weren’t a rower, what sport do you think you’d excel at?

Rock climbing

What is your favourite non-academic book?

Name of the Wind