Angelina Naujoks
About Angelina :
What course are you studying and what level?
BA Education, Policy and International Development
Why did you chose that course?
I was inspired to study education after a volunteering trip to Ghana, where I witnessed the stark inequalities between the privately-funded school I helped out at, and the government schools in the area. Therefore I wanted to study a subject which would give me the toolds to understand the source of educational inequalities and how we might find practical solutions to improve equity and alleviate poverty.
When, where and why did you start rowing? And what do you love about the sport?
I started rowing in October 2022 at my college, Homerton. I was initially sceptical about the sport because of the early, cold mornings but stayed because I liked the community, and there was something satisfying about the hard work the sport demands. Now I find perfecting this repetitive motion a very meditative endeavour; one that requires focus, physicality and dedication. And, of course, I love the people I row with – they make the process incredibly fun.
What was your first rowing club and coach?
Homerton College Boat Club, Will Norman
What or who was the earliest sporting inspiration you remember as a child?
I was a tennis player growing up, so Roger Federer was a big inspiration for me. He’s also a Swiss icon and lives not very far from where I grew up!
How has rowing and being part of the Boat Race squad impacted your life?
Many early mornings and new friends!
If you weren’t a rower, what sport do you think you’d excel at?
I would say tennis because I played it for 10 years, but I never really got very good.
What is your favourite non-academic book?
Crying in H Mart (devastatingly sad, but so well-written)
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